Saturday, October 1, 2011

StaiRWAy TO HeAven


This is the first stairs we take just to reach on the top, and there is also a shed that you can have to rest, every shed we rest for a while then continue to go just to reach on the top. Fun loving, passionate, always ready to lend a helping hand with a smile – this is how we are everyday even the trials struck us still we stand and go forth. But more than these, we also listens more advice for us to know what our mistakes in life just like taking the step here at Q park encourage each other to go on and reach on the top..




WE can almost see it, that dream WE'RE dreaming but, there's a voice inside OUR head saying, WE'RE  never reach it. every step WE'RE taking every move WE  make feels lost with no direction, OUR faith is shaking, but WE ,WE gotta keep TRYING WE gotta keep OUR head held high..

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